GenAI : Why you need LLMOps!


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Meet us on Thursday April 4 at 2pm to discuss LLM specialization, deployment and infrastructure management.

💡 Description

The rapid adoption of LLMs is opening up tremendous business applications, but this revolution also brings its own challenges.
From specialization (fine-tuning, RAG, prompt engineering, etc.) to deployment and monitoring, LLMOps are emerging as the best answer to the challenges of generative AI in the enterprise.
Join us on Thursday April 4 at 2pm to discuss LLM specialization, deployment and infrastructure management.

⏰ Process

‍14h00-14h10: Introduction
14h10-14h30 : Presentation
14h30-14h45 : Question-Réponse

🎙 Speakers

Ludovic Rocroy, AI Architect at Craft AI
Raphaël Graille, Senior Data Scientist at Craft AI

👋 About us

Craft AI is a pioneering French AI startup specializing in the industrialization of artificial intelligence projects. Over the past 8 years, Craft AI has developed unique technological expertise in the operationalization of Machine & Deep Learning models. In particular, the company enables its customers to develop, specialize and operate their own generative AI. Finally, it offers a responsible vision of AI, i.e. energy-efficient, explainable and respectful of privacy.
