SEA optimization

Our application allows you to predict and pre-test the best parameters for your online acquisition campaigns and instantly identify ROAS(Return On Ad Spend) optimization opportunities.

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Paris Dauphine
ed tech en

SEA Optimization features

Discover all the features of our AI application.

ROI prediction

Our application allows you to visualize and predict the revenues generated by your web advertising campaigns.

Consideration of exogenous factors

Integration of parameters influencing user behavior: weather, dates, vacations, sales, promotions, etc.

Recommendation of the best setting

Taking into account the characteristics of the campaign: ad provider, keywords, geographical area, type of campaign, product promoted, landing page...

Income optimization

Recommendation of automatic distribution of advertising budgets on different web campaigns (pre-existing or exploratory)

Our application is compatible with


Our application is compatible with

Google Ads
Bing ads

Benefits of SEA Optimization

Discover the different benefits of our application for users.

Increase the overall ROI of your campaigns

Optimization of the ROAS(Return On Ads Spend) of each campaign, continuously.

Saves time for marketing teams

Automatic setup of your campaigns.

Increased visibility and brand awareness

Be systematically present on the most relevant keywords.

An operational application in record time

We integrate our applications into your company in less than 7 weeks.

Week 1


Technical framing

The data available at the customer's premises is audited.

Week 3


Data Collection

The data connectors are created in compliance with RGPD constraints.

Week 4


Application integration

The application is integrated within your company and into your existing tools.

Week 7


Operation of the application

The application is ready to be used in production.

Week 7


Evolution and maintenance

The application benefits from all evolutions and permanent technical support.